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About Julie

Gorgeous Julie is a soft touch who enjoys volunteering for various charities. She loves her work as a Las Vegas escort, even though she knows there are people who look down on it. She thinks of herself as a very centered and spiritual person. She loves fun activities like miniature golfing, and she likes to cook. Despite all this, she does consider herself a naturally submissive woman when it comes to relationships. She also likes to work for animal rights when possible, but she’s not a fanatic about it, nor is she a vegetarian.”

“If you don’t want to be a hypocrite you have to be willing to see what you are eating for what it is. I’m not a hunter but I don’t get in anyone’s face for doing so. I can accept the kind of person I am, and one of the things I am is someone who never wants to be bored. I want to be stimulated all the time. I want to always have something going on before me that is interesting. I think people are all special and all unique, and the more you accept that about people, the better off you will be. This is very important for all of us. I’m the sort of girl who wants to be stimulated by variety, but I have to pick and choose my activities. Some things are never going to be ‘me,’ and that’s okay. No single person can be all things to everybody, nor should they try. I think we drive ourselves crazy by trying to be everything to everyone.”

Julie has very definite opinions about not forcing yourself to be someone you aren’t. “There is no way, on this Earth, that you as a human being are ever going to be all things to all people. Oh, sure, you’ll feel the pull, the temptation, to try and please everybody. We live in a world full of different people, and they all seem to want something from us. If you have close friends, if you have family, and if you try to stay connected to them all, it is inevitable that you’ll encounter a situation where they all want something from you, and that something is different. It’s amazing how many opinions your friends and family members seem to have about what you should do, where you should go, and how you should live your life. But the thing to remember is, no matter who they are, the people making demands of you, or just asking you for things, they don’t have to live with your choices.”

Julie continues, “It’s all fine and good to listen to their advice, but remember that the only person who can live with what you’ve done, and who’s going to have to, is you. This is really important because you can’t afford to make the wrong choice to please someone, only to suffer through the consequences after that. It could lead to real trouble for you, and all because you tried to be everything to everybody. You can’t do that. You’ve got to set your boundaries, enforce them, and stick to them. You have to be true to you, and if there are people in your life who don’t like it, it doesn’t matter. They are just going to have to deal with it. You are the captain of your fate and the master of your soul. You are calling the shots. That means it’s up to you to do what needs doing, and you will be the person who fails or succeeds based on your own choices.”

Julie comes back again and again to the idea that you have to be true to yourself and not try to please everyone. “You can go insane if you divide yourself up into multiple directions that way,” she says. “But more than that, you’ll lose track of your dreams. You have to know who you are in life if you’re going to stay true to your goals. Those goals are the way posts, the guidelines, for everything you do in the world. They’re like shining stars that help you navigate through the sea of the world. If you lose track of your guideposts, you lose track of where you are headed. And if you lose track of where you are headed, you aren’t going to get anything you want out of life. You’re going to miss out. You’re going to look back in regret. That’s what I’m trying to avoid. I never want to look back in regret. That emotion, regret, is the most awful feeling in the world. Missed opportunities are like stabs in the gut.”

“Every day I’m grateful for the chance to serve my clients,” Julie concludes. “It makes me very happy to be able to do that.”

Escort Details

Escort: Julie
Phone: (702) 331-8439
Age: 22 - 25
City Link: Las Vegas
Neighbourhood: Las Vegas
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Type: Blonde
Available for: Couples, Bachelor Party, Escorts, Strippers, Companions
Tags: Vegas, Las Vegas, Hot Vegas, Escorts, Girl,

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