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Super User

Friday, 11 September 2015 10:19


Charming Oriola is an active girl who is into amateur pole dancing. She also practices archery. She enjoys dancing very much and, when it’s possible, she likes to indulge herself in dancing naked. Hunting is something she has tried, but she didn’t enjoy it, and she has given up on killing animals. She considers pole dancing, by contrast, to be the ultimate expression of her femininity.

“There are always going to be people who think of it as nothing but stripping, or maybe just being an exotic dancer,” she says, “and that seems kind of cheap and tawdry to a lot of people. But to me, when you’re dancing on that pole, when you’re celebrating your own sexuality and your own sensuality, when you’re doing your best to turn on whoever is watching and all eyes are on you, that to me is the most incredible statement you can make about being a woman. You’re saying, ‘I’m here. This is my body. This is my sexiness. This is my desire. You all want me. I want you to want me. And I will do anything that it takes to make you want me more.’ I love that pole dancing gives me the chance to turn on an audience.”

Oriola likes to keep her audiences small and intimate, but she admits that when she does get the chance to dance in front of a slightly larger audience, she enjoys it. She likes to use her body to get done the things she wants to do in life. She knows she’s a very sexy woman, and she thinks there is always room for her to be hotter and better. She believes she can handle whatever life can throw at her, and she further thinks that this is the only way to approach life.

“I love archery, yes, but it’s not really about the physical part of it,” she says. “It’s an exercise for your muscles in some ways, certainly, but to me it’s more than that. Sure, lots of people are into archery right now because it’s popular in lots of fantasy style movies. I don’t do archery because I’m trying to get in on a trend, though. I don’t need to do it to get more exercise for my body, either, because I’ve already got that covered between my dancing and my personal workout regimen. I think of archery as a way of being completely in the now. There’s a book about archery and Zen and how the practice of archery can help you achieve that mental oneness with the now. As you get ready to shoot your arrow, you’ve got this total harmony in all your muscles and your body and mind, and that’s really special. When I’m centered and calm, when I’ve got that bow in my hands, is when I’m in my natural element and best prepared for life as it is and as I want it to be.”

Hunting was something that didn’t feel natural to Oriola. She just wasn’t good at it because her heart wasn’t in it. “You would think, an active girl like me, that I would be a natural fit for hunting, but I simply was not. When I saw a deer and it was time for me to take the shot, when it was time for me to take that animal’s life, I simply couldn’t do it. I just couldn’t bring myself to kill it. It was there and it was innocent and it was just the most natural thing in the world, and I felt like an intruder in its universe. I was like, who am I to do this to this living creature? How am I fit to live on its world when it has done nothing to me? So I gave up on hunting from that point forward. There was just no point in even going out there and engaging in the exercise. It was always only theoretical for me, and it was going to stay that way.”

Oriola prefers to be herself, mentally and physically, through dancing socially and even naked when she can. “Everything just goes away when I dance,” she says. “Everything evaporates until I’m completely at union with myself and who I am. I can’t possibly be concerned with ordinary problems and day to day issues when I’m dancing. It’s like with the bow and arrow. You can’t be a person made of your problems if you’re in the moment and totally focused on what you are doing. This is the true freedom and liberation that comes with being grounded and knowing who you are. I’m all about that grounding. I like to focus on that centering. It’s very important to me. And I like to share that philosophy when I can. That’s just me.”

Friday, 11 September 2015 10:17


Captivating Betty loves dirt bikes and off-roading. She also considers herself something of a poet. She likes to write, mainly poetry, and she likes to go out dancing to the local clubs. As far as her personality, she thinks she is naturally submissive in relationships, but she also has a very strong backbone and is not a pushover. She believes that a positive attitude is the most important aspect of anything we do as people.

“I think you are never more in touch with your own humanity than when you are helping somebody,” Betty says. “And consider just how much suffering there is in the world, how many people there are that are truly in need. There’s certainly no shortage of them. No matter where you go, no matter what you do, there is somebody who is not doing as well as you are, somebody who has less money than you do, somebody who is having a worse day than you are, and somebody who just needs your help. Imagine if you’re having an awful day. Nothing has gone right. It feels like the whole world is against you. Then somebody offers to help you, just out of the blue, while asking nothing in return. Is there anything that helps you to feel better than that? Is there any brighter ray of sunshine in a terrible day than a random act of kindness like that? These things pay off so much.”

As for being submissive, Betty says, “I also love life. I’m not someone you can push around. I do like to be dominated sexually, but that’s a common fantasy for a lot of women. What’s that stupid book that came out and then became a really terrible movie, the one that made it acceptable for folks to talk about BDSM in public? I know it isn’t very well written. It’s a silly book and people probably shouldn’t rely on it. But that book made it okay for thousands and thousands of American women to celebrate their kinks. It made it okay for them to talk about bondage, and domination, and being tied up, and all the other sexy, kinky things they wanted to do. We are a strange country. We’re very repressed sexually compared to other nations, yet more free in so many other ways. I think it’s great that this book finally broke through that and encouraged women, especially, in the United States, to be free about what they like, about what turns them on, about the special things they want their lovers to do in order to really please them.”

Betty goes on, “I had this platonic friend, this guy who was in a relatively unhappy relationship with his girlfriend. One of the reasons he was unhappy was because he had certain sexual fantasies that he didn’t think he was ever going to get a chance to live out. He confided in me what they were, and told me that he really wanted to do these things with his girlfriend, but he was worried what she would say. Honestly, they weren’t as kinky as kinky gets, although I admit they were kind of up there. Well, I encouraged him to tell his girl what he wanted. Maybe it was a mistake, but he told her all about it... and then she very quietly told him that it was okay, and she would be happy to try that with him. But they never did. And whenever he brought it up, she made him feel like a weirdo about it. It ruined their relationship and did him some serious damage. I felt bad that he told me he couldn’t really be honest with his girlfriends since all that because he feared what damage his honesty would do, and so he was going to have to sit on his desires all that time.”

Betty concludes, “How terrible that a fear of rejection basically puts you and your fantasies into the closet for the rest of your life. This guy has just give up. He’s going to go through the rest of his life never getting what he wants, and all because he had a girlfriend who didn’t understand and didn’t stop to think that we all have fantasies that we want fulfilled.”

Betty explains that she would never behave this way as a woman, and as a escort, it is her job to be able to listen to and understand a man without judgment. “My job is to encourage people,” she says. “I would never criticize a man. I always do what I can to help and to be kind to them. That’s how I see my job. It’s how I believe you should behave. Every man should be treated like the great, caring person that he is, always.”

Friday, 11 September 2015 10:16


Debbie is the kind of girl who loves to play violent video games, although she doesn’t consider herself a gamer. She also enjoys eating out in fine restaurants. Most importantly, though, she likes dressing up in lingerie, and she really enjoys roleplay and fetish play. To keep her incredible body in shape, she rides a bicycle as much as she can.

Debbie admits that while she enjoys going out to restaurants now, she enjoyed it more when she was younger. Back then, it was her favorite thing to do in the world, and it didn’t matter what sort of restaurant it was. She felt like she was very special whenever anybody waited on her, and she liked the feeling of being a queen handing out orders to her subjects... even if those orders were just for a ham on rye. She used to think of it as a magical process wherein she asked for what she wanted and that thing just appeared a few minutes later. But all that magical illusion was shattered for her when she was old enough to a job in a restaurant, since it is restaurants that typically hire people who don’t have much work history or experience.

“I loved working there, don’t get me wrong,” she explains. “It was this little Italian family restaurant, with its great mix of strange personalities on both sides of the kitchen door. I got a job as a waitress and I learned a lot about the world at that place. The owner, the head chef, was this enormous man who lived and breathed his work. He was always loud. I don’t think that man had an indoor voice. He would shout out whatever he wanted to tell you, whatever was on his mind, and he didn’t care if your feelings were hurt. He figured if he told you something once, you should remember it, and he got very angry if he had to repeat himself.”

Debbie goes on, “That restaurant owner was like a spider in a web. He was plugged into it all. He would serve free breakfast to the local judge and the politicians gunning for the judge’s position. He made sure there were always plenty of cops in there eating for free, too, because having cop cars in the parking lot was the surest way he knew of to stop a robbery, a burglary, or any other nonsense in his place. Through it all I was just working and working. It was very hard work and there was no slack cut to me because I was young and attractive. I got harassed sexually, sure, by some of the patrons, but never by the staff. The owner wouldn’t stand for it. He dealt very harshly with anyone he thought was mistreating “his girls,” and nobody who worked there wanted to get on his bad side.

Debbie continues, “The only major issue with working in a restaurant was that it took the fun and mystery out of it. I got to see how everything was done. I saw how the foods were prepared ahead of time, how they were staged with just the final components yet to be heated or cooked. I saw how much work went into everything beforehand, and then all the simple little things that were done to make it happen when the order was finally given. I saw how hot that kitchen got, and how much the owner and his assistant cooks suffered when they were back there on hot summer days. It was a real eye-opener. But restaurants were no longer magic for me. It was no longer a question of just giving my order and waiting for my food to appear. I knew the secrets and the way that everything came together, so from that moment on, whenever I went into a restaurant, I was aware of what was happening behind the scenes. It’s like knowing how the magician does his trick. You never look at the same things the same way again. I don’t regret the work I did, but I do sometimes regret that everybody’s childhood eventually has to end. I think my childhood started to end when restaurants were no longer magic for me.”

Debbie comes by her affection for video games quite naturally. It isn’t something she puts on to make guys find her more appealing, and she has no patience for girls taking half-naked pictures of themselves holding video game controllers and pretending to like games they know nothing about. “I think you should be genuine about your hobbies,” she says. “If you can’t tell the truth, then why bother at all? It’s important to be honest, not just with others, but with yourself. I think self-honesty is absolutely the most important kind of honesty there is.”


Friday, 11 September 2015 10:15


“I’m very proud of my rack and my rump,” says beautiful Darla. “I also like fine art and high culture. One of my favorite shows was always the one with that rich loud guy going on about the rich and famous and how they lived. I’ve always dreamed of being rich, and one day, I hope to make it. I know that the fastest way for me to achieve success is through my natural assets. I’m very proud of the figure I’ve got, and I put in a lot of hard work to maintain that figure. I think your mental attitude makes all the difference when it comes to whether you achieve your goals in life, and I also think you’ve got to work on your goals actively if you really want to accomplish anything rather than simply daydreaming about it. I realize I have a long way to go myself, but I think you’ve got to at least acknowledge that this is the case or you can’t move ahead.”

Darla has always loved documentaries about the homes of the rich and famous. She loves the idea that one day, if you work hard enough, such an incredible place to live, containing everything you’ve ever dreamed about owning, can one day become yours. She believes this is a dream come true, but when it comes to how to get there, she thinks there are a lot of people who look at being rich as some kind of lottery win, something that just happens to you. She says she disagrees with all the jealousy she sees out there when it comes to people who have achieved success in life. It’s naturally to be at least a little jealous of people who have more than you, she admits, but she thinks that we could all solve more of our problems if we focused less on what other people have, and more on what we ourselves have and need to accomplish.

Darla goes on, “I understand why some people feel that way, and that’s understandable. But I believe that getting rich is, for the most part, something you earn, something you work really hard to get. It may not be as simple as those novels people used to write about the poor guy who hits the American Dream and suddenly becomes a rich man. What were they called? Horatio Alger, something like that. It may not be quite that storybook simple. But I do think that most of the people who are wealthy had to work really hard to get that way. Sure, there are some lazy bastards out there. The rich kids of Instagram come to mind. These are rich kids, the children of very wealthy families, who have lots of money because they have lavish allowances or trust funds or just parents who buy them anything they want. They’ve become famous because they go onto Instagram and post obnoxious photos showing off how rich they are, and of course they’re arrogant about it, and everybody knows that somebody that young hasn’t done anything to earn the money, so we resent their attitudes and the life of ease they have that has made them such spoiled little brats. But people like that are the exception. Sure, it takes money to make money, and if you inherit a nice nest egg, chances are good you can build that up into a profitable business. But even in a case like that, there is effort involved. There is work you have to do to make your money. People who are very wealthy, by and large, really worked hard to get where they are. I respect that kind of work. I respect how they chose a goal and pursued it with single-minded focus to get where they wanted to be in life.”

“I don’t think you can pursue any goal in life,” Darla says, “unless you set that goal and go after it with everything you’ve got. That may sound pretty simple, but I don’t think it actually is. I’ve got dreams, you know. I have such big dreams, and I’m working on them, but it takes so long to get there. You can’t expect to make any progress on something like that unless you can really define it ahead of time. In order to make something of yourself, in order to get somewhere in life, you first have to say what your dreams are going to be, sure, but then you have to analyze the actual goals that will get you to that point. You can’t just say that you want stuff. You have to have a plan and you have to execute that plan. In the absence of any of that, without that structure, why, you’re just spinning your wheels. There’s no point then.”

Friday, 11 September 2015 10:14


There are so many reasons to choose an Asian escort. We’re popular for our petite and tight bodies, delicate features, super long dark hair and a desire to please that no other type of woman can compare to. If you’re into any of these super feminine qualities, you’re so in the right place.

That’s because there are even more reasons for you to choose me. Beautiful is more than just my name, it’s who I am - inside and out. I’m young (only 23), smart, and locally grown in the Bay Area. Still, even though I was born in the U.S., I was raised with traditional Asian values. This includes putting others before yourself and offering a special respect to men and elders. I loved it, to a degree.

My parents are super traditional and I just couldn’t take it after a while. If I’m going to serve anyone, it’s going to be my choice, my way. I’d much rather serve a man who’s just as interested in pleasure as me. And that’s why I loved my upbringing. I was taught to CRAVE pleasing the men whose company I keep. When it’s just me and you, anything goes, as long as you’re satisfied. Dare to find out just how true that is?

Friday, 11 September 2015 10:13


There are so many reasons to choose an Asian escort. We’re popular for our petite and tight bodies, delicate features, super long dark hair and a desire to please that no other type of woman can compare to. If you’re into any of these super feminine qualities, you’re so in the right place.

That’s because there are even more reasons for you to choose me. Beautiful is more than just my name, it’s who I am - inside and out. I’m young (only 23), smart, and locally grown in the Bay Area. Still, even though I was born in the U.S., I was raised with traditional Asian values. This includes putting others before yourself and offering a special respect to men and elders. I loved it, to a degree.

My parents are super traditional and I just couldn’t take it after a while. If I’m going to serve anyone, it’s going to be my choice, my way. I’d much rather serve a man who’s just as interested in pleasure as me. And that’s why I loved my upbringing. I was taught to CRAVE pleasing the men whose company I keep. When it’s just me and you, anything goes, as long as you’re satisfied. Dare to find out just how true that is?

Friday, 11 September 2015 10:12


There are so many reasons to choose an Asian escort. We’re popular for our petite and tight bodies, delicate features, super long dark hair and a desire to please that no other type of woman can compare to. If you’re into any of these super feminine qualities, you’re so in the right place.

That’s because there are even more reasons for you to choose me. Beautiful is more than just my name, it’s who I am - inside and out. I’m young (only 23), smart, and locally grown in the Bay Area. Still, even though I was born in the U.S., I was raised with traditional Asian values. This includes putting others before yourself and offering a special respect to men and elders. I loved it, to a degree.

My parents are super traditional and I just couldn’t take it after a while. If I’m going to serve anyone, it’s going to be my choice, my way. I’d much rather serve a man who’s just as interested in pleasure as me. And that’s why I loved my upbringing. I was taught to CRAVE pleasing the men whose company I keep. When it’s just me and you, anything goes, as long as you’re satisfied. Dare to find out just how true that is?

Friday, 11 September 2015 10:11


There are so many reasons to choose an Asian escort. We’re popular for our petite and tight bodies, delicate features, super long dark hair and a desire to please that no other type of woman can compare to. If you’re into any of these super feminine qualities, you’re so in the right place.

That’s because there are even more reasons for you to choose me. Beautiful is more than just my name, it’s who I am - inside and out. I’m young (only 23), smart, and locally grown in the Bay Area. Still, even though I was born in the U.S., I was raised with traditional Asian values. This includes putting others before yourself and offering a special respect to men and elders. I loved it, to a degree.

My parents are super traditional and I just couldn’t take it after a while. If I’m going to serve anyone, it’s going to be my choice, my way. I’d much rather serve a man who’s just as interested in pleasure as me. And that’s why I loved my upbringing. I was taught to CRAVE pleasing the men whose company I keep. When it’s just me and you, anything goes, as long as you’re satisfied. Dare to find out just how true that is?

Friday, 11 September 2015 10:11


There are so many reasons to choose an Asian escort. We’re popular for our petite and tight bodies, delicate features, super long dark hair and a desire to please that no other type of woman can compare to. If you’re into any of these super feminine qualities, you’re so in the right place.

That’s because there are even more reasons for you to choose me. Beautiful is more than just my name, it’s who I am - inside and out. I’m young (only 23), smart, and locally grown in the Bay Area. Still, even though I was born in the U.S., I was raised with traditional Asian values. This includes putting others before yourself and offering a special respect to men and elders. I loved it, to a degree.

My parents are super traditional and I just couldn’t take it after a while. If I’m going to serve anyone, it’s going to be my choice, my way. I’d much rather serve a man who’s just as interested in pleasure as me. And that’s why I loved my upbringing. I was taught to CRAVE pleasing the men whose company I keep. When it’s just me and you, anything goes, as long as you’re satisfied. Dare to find out just how true that is?

Friday, 11 September 2015 10:06


There are so many reasons to choose an Asian escort. We’re popular for our petite and tight bodies, delicate features, super long dark hair and a desire to please that no other type of woman can compare to. If you’re into any of these super feminine qualities, you’re so in the right place.

That’s because there are even more reasons for you to choose me. Beautiful is more than just my name, it’s who I am - inside and out. I’m young (only 23), smart, and locally grown in the Bay Area. Still, even though I was born in the U.S., I was raised with traditional Asian values. This includes putting others before yourself and offering a special respect to men and elders. I loved it, to a degree.

My parents are super traditional and I just couldn’t take it after a while. If I’m going to serve anyone, it’s going to be my choice, my way. I’d much rather serve a man who’s just as interested in pleasure as me. And that’s why I loved my upbringing. I was taught to CRAVE pleasing the men whose company I keep. When it’s just me and you, anything goes, as long as you’re satisfied. Dare to find out just how true that is?

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